Thursday, November 17, 2011

as I sit here

Hello Everyone,

... I am typing to you from a hospital bed (sigh). I know, I know I've been a naughty girl and not helped my body fight a UTI. This past weekend, starting on Friday afternoon I was getting these horrible sharp pain all over my body. I just sat in my chair and cried.

'how could I let this happen again?'

How could I let my kidney shut down AGAIN!. I was so angry I just wanted to scream, but thought I keep quiet for there are others in the house. I waited till hubby got home and asked him to put me onto the couch, so he did just that. He could see in my eyes something was wrong, but I could hardly speak, I couldn't lift my head nor my finger. After he rubbed my back (which I don't let him do cause it hurts me) I lay back down and went to sleep.

Saturday morning came and even though the back pain had subsided I felt quite sick. He asked me I wanted to go to hospital & I replied with "NO WAY!". I was trying to get myself better as today was his birthday and I had planned a small surprise party for him (some friends were coming out for a drink). As I was so unwell I asked him to put on Facebook "I am unwell, party is cancelled sorry guys". After that the weight of 'having to get better quick smart' was lifted from my shoulders.

Sunday came around just as slow as the hours ticked by. I felt much better I even sat in my chair. My mum took Hailee (thanks mum!!) for the day so I could rest in piece and quiet. I had waves of feeling brilliant and waves of wanting to die, the nausea was worse cause I hadn't eating since Friday. Hailee come home with paint on her lips and tip of her nose...she had so much fun. I'm glad.

Which brings me to Monday I wasn't looking forward; a friend brought her new baby boy he's a big!. It was really nice to see them again and it made me feel like normal for just a little bit. She bought down lunch as she usually does, boy it looked good but I wasn't going to try eat a chicken roll after not eating for 3 days. They left and I went to the doctor to see what he'd say. "Amanda" he said, "you've got a UTI. That was fine nothing a little pill won't fix. I was sent home to rest.

Hubby took the next day off, I had an appointment in the hospital and was unsure if I could move in and out of the car (mum was supposed to take me), I got into the doctors showed them my pressure saw (il write about those later) you all should have seen the look on Steve's face, it's like he'd seen a ghost. I asked what was wrong they showed me my leg which had turned fire engine RED! (can't think of name right now). They told me I'd need IV fluids and antibiotics to get rid of it. Steve wheeled me down to Emergency and after 5 minutes I had blood taken and a IV line in. Whisked off to a ward and that's where I've been.

I hate these places with a passion I really do but I know I have to stay here till my fire engine RED leg goes back to it's normal color.

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